Meshes of the Afternoon
Maya Deren is recognizable as the woman with the enigmatic expression at the window, silently observing from within. Although her eyes indicate distrust, she is not desperate to escape her domestic space, but she is not entirely comfortable immured behind the glass. This image symbolizes some of Deren's most significant initiatives in experimental cinema. In this still shot she establishes a silent connection with the eyes, suggesting the possibility for reverie or even hallucination. It foreshadows her experiments with superimposition and the juxtaposition of disparate spaces. It is an image that suggests the most compelling themes of her film work: dreaming, reflection, rhythm, vision, ritual and identity. Like Cindy Sherman's film stills, this image represents a poignant and hesitant moment, but unlike the photographs, Deren's still shot belongs within a dynamic, kinetic narrative.
(ler mais aqui)
Witch's Cradle (1943)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Marcel Duchamp, B&W (incomplete)
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)
Dir: Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid. Screenplay: Maya Deren. Cast: Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid. Music: Teiji Ito. B&W.
At Land (1944)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: John Cage, Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid. B&W.
A Study in Choreography for the Camera (1945)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Talley Beatty. 3 mins, silent, B&W.
Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Rita Christiani, Maya Deren. 14 mins, B&W, silent
Meditation on Violence (1948)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Chao Li Chi. Music: Teiji Ito.
The Very Eye of Night (1958)
Dir: Maya Deren. Assistant director: Harrison Starr III. Screenplay: Maya Deren. Music: Teiji Ito.
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti (1985)
Original footage shot by Deren (1947-1954). Reconstruction by Teiji & Cherel Ito.
(ler mais aqui)
Witch's Cradle (1943)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Marcel Duchamp, B&W (incomplete)
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)
Dir: Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid. Screenplay: Maya Deren. Cast: Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid. Music: Teiji Ito. B&W.
At Land (1944)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: John Cage, Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid. B&W.
A Study in Choreography for the Camera (1945)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Talley Beatty. 3 mins, silent, B&W.
Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Rita Christiani, Maya Deren. 14 mins, B&W, silent
Meditation on Violence (1948)
Dir: Maya Deren. Cast: Chao Li Chi. Music: Teiji Ito.
The Very Eye of Night (1958)
Dir: Maya Deren. Assistant director: Harrison Starr III. Screenplay: Maya Deren. Music: Teiji Ito.
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti (1985)
Original footage shot by Deren (1947-1954). Reconstruction by Teiji & Cherel Ito.
* créditos: maria (sapatos verdes)
8 comentários:
e hoje há cheesecake?
ah! e a Maria... também vai? :D
ah! (#2) não havendo cheesecake, posso fazer mousse de chocolate*
* qualidade da mesma poerá ser certificada pelo cj (vá, não me deixes ficar mal)
por motivos a que somos alheios, a sessão é adiada para QUINTA-FEIRA à mesma hora e local com mil desculpas da Organização
quinta mousse certificada
contem comigo e...ainda não decidi do que me farei acompanhar...21.30h na casa do prédio que fica na rua dos 'bichos da minha rua' (=casa do ct), certo!??
certo! traz-te sem mais
A mousse era transcendente.
6 ovos
1 colher de sopa -bem cheia - de manteiga (manteiga mesmo!)
6 colheres de sopa (rasas) de açúcar (granulado fino)
1 tabelete de chocolate... pantagruel (200gr)
junta-se a manteiga e o açúcar (enquanto o chocolate vai derretendo em banho-maria),
depois uma-a-uma as gemas,
junta-se então o chocolate e depois envolve-se as claras batidas em castelo
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